Monday, 30 January 2012

Social Media Awards 2012

Official site:

Hey guys, I've just nominated my own blog (shameless) in the Malaysia Social Media Network 2012, the nomination closes tomorrow and I know this is a last minute sign up therefore I don't expect I will be able to win with the small readership and voters. However I figured that entering my blog in this might help me get some publicity and hopefully a little more traffic to my site, who knows if there might be some curious viewers who might click into this humble blog (although the owner is anything but humble lol) So, anyway, I do hope you will help vote me up a little, I don't expect much, pretty please...

My blog is under Upcoming Blogger of the Year, you might find my blog at the very bottom for the moment. It will take you a short while to sign up before you can vote, though. I shall appreciate very much if you could take the time to vote for me.

Closing date for voting is February 6th 2012, I only have 1 short week to gain some votes, so I won't go down too badly, I hoped. Click here to vote. Thank you.

p/s: Can I also ask you to Like me on my newly created Facebook Page? I still haven't figure out how to add it to my blog page like everyone else. Thanks again.


  1. maybe you can try to google search " how to add page into blog" and if you want to have automatic push posting to your page each time you did a new post, you can go for networkblogs . Thank you for the votes! ;)

    1. Thanks for the advice, Hayden. I did try to google it and I'm trying hard to understand how it works. No problem on the votes, its a small gesture from my part.

  2. I've just voted for you :) Hope it helps <3

    1. Thank you so much, Molly. And thanks for Liking my FB page as well. It meant a lot to me <3

  3. I see the top is about 727..
    you need to get MORE votes ....

    1. Yeah, I know I would need more votes but I don't expect I can get 700 votes in less than a week's time. I'd be glad with whatever amount I can get, at least I can still get free publicity. Thanks for the support. Mind to vote me? LOL.
