Sunday 4 December 2011

Pizza Night

After the cleaning, chopping, frying up ingredients, its time to assemble our Pizza. We had so much fun mixing together the different ingredients. It's really satisfying to devour it as well, at first we think it won't be enough to have one tortilla per person, so we're set on making two each, but it's surprisingly very filling. Must be all the toppings. We'll definitely do it again and experiment with different ingredients. Can't wait to get a new oven when we move house so we can make a pizza with proper crust, or we could even use the barbecue grill?

What oven are you using? Do you have any recommendations or advice on what we should be looking for? Any suggestions are appreciated since we're noobs when it comes to getting a good oven.
our assembly station
Heat the tortilla and spread tomato paste on it

Heap all the toppings you like on top

Scatter mozzarella cheese and wait for it to melt a bit

Different combinations of different toppings

The possibilities are endless